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Recente wetenschappelijke publicaties 

Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de meest recente wetenschappelijke publicaties, gepubliceerd door de onderzoeksgroepen die betrokken zijn bij ATHENA/SHM. De meeste publicaties zijn Engelstalig. Voor een volledige lijst van publicaties vanaf 2015, kunt u contact opnemen met

De‐simplifying antiretroviral therapy from a single‐tablet to a two‐tablet regimen: Acceptance, patient‐reported outcomes, and cost savings in a multicentre study
Oosterhof P, De Zoete BGJA, Vanhommerig JW, Langebeek N, Gisolf EH, Van Hulzen AGW, Lammers AJJ, Weijsenfeld AM, Van der Valk M, Grintjes K, Van Crevel R, Van Luin M, Brinkman K, Burger DM
HIV Medicine. 2024 May 7;

Associations between change in BMI and the risk of hypertension and dyslipidaemia in people receiving integrase strand-transfer inhibitors, tenofovir alafenamide, or both compared with other contemporary antiretroviral regimens: a multicentre, prospective observational study from the RESPOND consortium cohorts
Byonanebye DM, Polizzotto MN, Maltez F, Rauch A, Grabmeier-Pfistershammer K, Wit F, De Wit S, Castagna A, d'Arminio Monforte A, Mussini C, Wasmuth JC, Fontas E, Abela I, Sarcletti M, Bansi-Matharu L, Jaschinski N, Peters L, Hosein SR, Vannappagari V, Cohen C, Bissio E, Mocroft A, Law M, Ryom L, Petoumenos K
Lancet HIV. 2024 April 12; 

Trends in mortality in people with HIV from 1999 to 2020: a multi-cohort collaboration
Tusch E, Ryom L, Pelchen-Matthews A, Mocroft A, Elbirt D, Oprea C, Günthard HF, Staehelin C, Zangerle R, Suarez I, Vehreschild JJ, Wit F, Menozzi M, D'Arminio Monforte A, Spagnuolo V, Pradier C, Carlander C, Suanzes P, Wasmuth JC, Carr A, Petoumenos K, Borgans F, Bonnet F, De Wit S, El-Sadr W, Neesgaard B, Jaschinski N, Greenberg L, Hosein SR, Gallant J, Vannappagari V, Young L, Sabin C, Lundgren J, Peters L, Reekie J, D:A:D cohort study, RESPOND cohort study
Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2024 April 26;

Targeted Screening for Viral Hepatitis Among Various Ethnic Groups in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Van Dijk AM, Isfordink C, Boyd A, Galenkamp H, Schinkel J, Prins M, Takkenberg RB, Holleboom O, Van Der Valk M
Hepatitis Monthly. 2024 April 14;

Dolutegravir/Lamivudine Is Noninferior to Continuing Dolutegravir- and Non-Dolutegravir-Based Triple-Drug Antiretroviral Therapy in Virologically Suppressed People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus: DUALING Prospective Nationwide Matched Cohort Study
Vasylyev M, Wit FWNM, Jordans CCE, Soetekouw R, Van Lelyveld SFL, Kootstra GJ, Delsing CE, Ammerlaan HSM, Van Kasteren MEE, Brouwer AE, Leyten EMS, Claassen MAA, Hassing RJ, Den Hollander JG, Van den Berge M, Roukens AHE, Bierman WFW, Groeneveld PHP, Lowe SH, Van Welzen BJ, Richel O, Nellen JF, Van den Berk GEL, Van der Valk M, Rijnders BJA, Rokx C
Open Forum Infectious Diseases; 2024 March 18;

Heavy antiretroviral exposure and exhausted/limited antiretroviral options: predictors and clinical outcomes
Mocroft A, Pelchen-Matthews A, Hoy J, Llibre JM, Neesgaard B, Jaschinski N, Domingo P, Rasmussen LD, Günthard HF, Surial B, Öllinger A, Knappik M, de Wit S, Wit F, Mussini C, Vehreschild J, Monforte AD, Sonnerborg A, Castagna A, Anne AV, Vannappagari V, Cohen C, Greaves W, Wasmuth JC, Spagnuolo V, Ryom L; for the RESPOND cohort collaboration.
AIDS. 2024 March 15; 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003798

Screening for tuberculosis infection and effectiveness of preventive treatment among people with HIV in low-incidence settings
Van Geuns D, Arts RJW, De Vries G, Wit FWNM, Degtyareva SY, Brown J, Pareek M, Lipman M, Van Crevel R
AIDS. 2024 February 1; 10.1097/QAD.0000000000003747

Hepatocellular carcinoma risk in sub-Saharan African and Afro-Surinamese individuals with chronic hepatitis B living in Europe
Patmore LA, Van Eekhout KMA, Buti M, Koc ÖM, Agarwal K, De Knegt RJ, Janssen HLA, Van der Valk M, Lieveld FI, Hansen BE, Kramer M, De Bruijne J, Claassen MAA, Smit C, De Man RA, Takkenberg B †, Carey I †, Sonneveld MJ †, the HARP study group and HepNed
Journal of Hepatology. 2024 February;

All-cause mortality before and after DAA availability among people living with HIV and HCV: An international comparison between 2010 and 2019
Requena MB, Protopopescu C, Stewart AC, Van Santen DK, Klein MB, Jarrin I, Berenguer J, Wittkop L, Salmon D, Rauch A, Prins M, Van der Valk M, Sacks-Davis R, Hellard ME, Carrieri P, Lacombe K; InCHEHC Collaboration
International Journal of Drug Policy. 2024 February;

Changes in incidence of hepatitis C virus reinfection and access to direct-acting antiviral therapies in people with HIV from six countries, 2010-19: an analysis of data from a consortium of prospective cohort studies
Sacks-Davis R, Van Santen DK, Boyd A, Young J, Stewart A, Doyle JS, Rauch A, Mugglin C, Klein M, Van der Valk M, Smit C, Jarrin I, Berenguer J, Lacombe K, Requena MB, Wittkop L, Leleux O, Bonnet F, Salmon D, Matthews GV, Guy R, Martin NK, Spelman T, Prins M, Stoove M, Hellard M; InCHEHC Collaboration
Lancet HIV. 2024 January 12;