HIV in the Netherlands

HIV in the Netherlands: statistics for 2022

The latest statistics are derived from SHM’s 2022 HIV Monitoring Report and relate to those people registered in SHM’s database (scroll down for numbers registered in 2022). All figures from the Monitoring Report are as of 31 December 2022.

SHM database: number of registered people in 2023

Each year the latest registration figures are presented in our annual report. The table below gives an overview of the registration figures for 2023.

Total ever registered up to 31 December 2023 32,336
Objection to further collection of clinical data 955
Registered & with further collection of clinical data, of whom 31,381
Adults 30,882
Men 25,124
Women 5,758
Children 499
Newly-registered in 2023 983

Other useful information can be found in the following tables taken from the latest annual report:
