SHM data supports HIV research projects

Foto150X115_research.jpgStichting HIV Monitoring (SHM) collects anonymous data on HIV-infected patients in the Netherlands which is then processed and stored in SHM’s national database. As its proprietor, SHM manages the database and is responsible for controlling access and data usage. 
The data collected by SHM is analysed and reported each year on 1 December in SHM’s Monitoring Report. In addition to its yearly monitoring report, results of SHM’s research and those of others are presented regularly at international meetings and conferences, and in publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals.

SHM participates in a number of national and international collaborations. Through these collaborations, the foundation provides expertise and data to be used for large international studies about the treatment of HIV/AIDS. SHM is in a position to do so as it is one of the very few organisations in the world that has a national framework for systematically collecting HIV data for the long-term follow-up of all registered HIV-infected patients.

As well as using the database for its own research, SHM grants permission to HIV research groups to use specific data for research purposes. Research proposals to access data are reviewed by the HIV Monitoring Working Group, which may suggest modifications to the project prior to approval. SHM’s director gives the ultimate approval. During 2011, 9 requests were made from research groups to access SHM’s cohort data.

Each year project leaders are asked to file a progress report, which is included in SHM’s annual report and updated on SHM’s website (see Research in progress on SHM’s website for an overview of all ongoing research projects). All completed projects are added to the Completed research page of the website, with a listing of publications resulting from the research. These publications are also added to the Publications page of the website.

In upcoming editions of SHM’s eNewsletter we will focus on ongoing or recently completed research projects.

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Stichting HIV Monitoring

Stichting HIV Monitoring (SHM) makes an essential contribution to healthcare for HIV-positive people in the Netherlands. Working with all recognised HIV treatment centres in the Netherlands, SHM systematically collects coded medical data from all registered HIV patients. SHM uses these data to produce centre-specific reports that allow HIV treatment centres to optimise their patient care and obtain formal certification. SHM’s data also form the basis for the yearly HIV monitoring report and are used in HIV-related research in the Netherlands and internationally. The outcome of SHM’s research provides tangible input into HIV care and prevention polices in the Netherlands.

© Stichting HIV Monitoring