Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is the supervising body of the foundation; members meet twice a year together with the SHM Board. The Supervisory Board includes representatives of, among others: The Netherlands’ HIV Association, the Dutch Association of HIV Treatment Practitioners, and a delegation on behalf of academic and non-academic HIV treatment centers and Amsterdam UMC. The Supervisory Board members are:
- Dr E.H. Gisolf (chair)
Rijnstate, Arnhem
On behalf of Nederlandse Vereniging van HIV Behandelaren (NVHB)
- Dr Y.T.H.P. van Duijnhoven
GGD GHOR Nederland
On behalf of GGD GHOR Nederland
- T.V. Hornis
Ziekenhuis Gelderse Vallei
- P. Brokx
On behalf of HIV Vereniging
- Dr G. Cinà
Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam
On behalf of Amsterdam UMC
- Drs. J.J. Schoo
Rijnstate, Arnhem
On behalf of Nederlandse Vereniging van Ziekenhuizen (NVZ)