Logo_ACHIeVe.pngACHIEV2E (A Collaboration on HIV-2 Infection) was established in 2005 as a collaboration of 13 observational cohort studies in 10 European countries, Gambia, and North America that record demographic and clinical data on HIV-2-infected patients. Since HIV-2 is mainly found in Western Africa and only occasionally in western countries, there is only a limited number of studies specifically focussing on HIV-2. In particular, the effect of antiretroviral treatment on outcome has not been studied in great detail. The ACHIEV2E collaboration aims to fill this gap in the knowledge by studying different aspects of the treated HIV-2 infection.

» Visit the ACHIEV2E website

Papers published by ACHIEV2E include:

Immunovirological Response to Triple Nucleotide Reverse-Transcriptase Inhibitors and Ritonavir-Boosted Protease Inhibitors in Treatment-Naive HIV-2-Infected Patients: The ACHIEV2E Collaboration Study Group. 
Benard A, van Sighem A, Taieb A, Valadas E, Ruelle J, Soriano V, Calmy A, Balotta C, Damond F, Brun-Vezinet F, Chene G, Matheron S. 
Clin Infect Dis. 2011 May;52(10):1257-1266. » Abstract

An international collaboration to standardize HIV-2 viral load assays: Results from the 2009 ACHIEV2E quality control study. 
Damond F, Benard A, Balotta C, Böni J, Cotten M, Duque V, Ferns B, Garson J, Gomes P, Gonçalves F, Gottlieb G, Kupfer B, Ruelle J, Rodes B, Soriano V, Wainberg M, Taieb A, Matheron S, Chene G, Brun-Vezinet F; for the ACHIEV2E Study group. 
J Clin Microbiol. 2011 Aug 3. [Epub ahead of print] » Abstract